Threats and Challenges to the Rule of Law in Europe

Please register below to our upcoming digital panel discussion entitled Threats and Challenges to the Rule of Law, organised by the European Movement International, which will be held on Wednesday, 17 November 2021 from 12:15-13:30 CET.

The event will stream live on our FacebookYouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter. We will email you links directly to the stream when the event begins. 

We encourage participants to join the discussions on Twitter using the handle @EMInternational.

The event will discuss how the European Union institutions need to ensure compliance with the Rule of Law to protect and foster democracy in the European Union. At the same time, civil society organisations play a fundamental role in the protection of the Rule of Law principles and their work must be safeguarded and supported in shaping Europe’s future. 

By bringing together the perspectives of activists, representatives of civil society and leading political figures, panelists will share their views on the challenges and state of the rule of law in Europe and how they can foster citizen engagement and change.


November 17, 2021 at 12:15pm - 1:30pm


Inès Ayyadi

Please register below.

*This information is anonymised and purely for reporting purposes.

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