Please register below for our upcoming roundtable discussion from our Overcoming Supply Chain Shortage roundtable series, entitled "Matching Demand and Supply in the Labour Market". The event will be held on Monday, 10th October 2022 from 10:00-11:30 CET at Radisson RED Hotel, Rue d'Idalie 35, 1050 Brussels.

In 2022, the EMI and METRO AG are working together on a series of roundtables addressing the topic of labour shortage in Europe, and the consequences these may have on specific economic sectors and on the functioning of supply chains in Europe and around the globe. The outcome of the roundtables will be synthesized in a Discussion Paper, which will be shared with relevant policymakers. A summary of the discussions will be publicly presented during a closing event in late 2022.

Bringing together social partners, civil society, policy experts from think-tanks and academia, and the EU institutions, this third roundtable will be the opportunity for participants to meet and exchange on the link between supply chain disruptions and how these are affecting or even caused by the acute labour shortage in Europe. The debate will look into practical solutions and good practices.  

Join us for a breakfast at Radisson RED, with fellow professionals sharing perspectives on the future of work in Europe.



October 10, 2022 at 10:00am - 11:30am


Radisson RED Hotel
Rue d'Idalie 35
Brussels 1050
Google map and directions


Inès Ayyadi ·

Please register below.

*This information is anonymised and purely for reporting purposes.